It's been quite a while since updates, sorry about that. NCIS:LA is quite a show, and takes a lot out of me. Blogging has fallen behind.
We have just about completed episode 8 for the new season and we are just getting going. Lots more to do as the season will be at the least, 22 episodes.
It's interesting that this year, both shows that I have done are picked up for full seasons. That...boggles my mind. Glee will begin filming it's "back 9" episode order in January.
New additions to the gear package include another DEVA. I purchased a new DEVA 5.8 for the cart and the older DEVA V has been put in a bag for run rigs/insert cars/etc. Previously I had a Sound Devices 442/744 combo for this purpose, but 4 tracks wasn't enough. The DEVA interface and ease of use is too hard to ignore so...I had to make the change. Plus, the comfort of having a back up DEVA on site is worth it to me.
Also, I had a carpet cart made by Brett Grant-Grierson. He has manufactured both my main recording cart and my utility cart. It's a simple "shopping cart" style, but as you might's on steroids. All steel and powder coated black, this cart will not yield to the weight of the rubber mats as the rest have done!